Our security depends on our brave troops who run into the fight…
There’s a bit of battle-tested wisdom we need to keep in mind when asking what needs to be done about threats to our nation’s security like the one coming from North Korea. Whatever mix of diplomacy, sanctions or military posturing is used, ultimately our security depends on this simple fact:
“We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.”
Students of the Second World War will recognize the quote as coming from either George Orwell or Winston Churchill. More important than who said it first is the context in which it was said. As Hitler built his military and signaled his ill intent, Europe slept and America chose to stay away from the fight. Appeasement and abdication of responsibility led to war then, and they have not worked today. In fact, they have never worked. Every time we look away from the danger in the hopes that someone else will do the heavy lifting, we only increase the cost and pain of what is sure to come. Whenever we act, this simple but profound truth holds: our security ultimately depends on brave troops who run into the fight while the rest of us sleep safely in our beds far from it.
SoldierStrong is dedicated to supporting those brave men and women who ran into the fight and now need help to stand on their own two feet again. They did their part; now we must do ours.